Team KYCed with Pinksale
Audited by Techrate: Transparent: source code is opened & verified
Liquidity Locked for 200 years
No Team & Private Sale Tokens. No miniting code.
What Is Fair Launch?
When we say Fair Launch, we mean: A decentralized crypto network that is earned, owned and governed by the community from the outset. Everyone can participate on equal footing. There is no early access, pre-mine or allocation of tokens.
No min/max buy in Apyzilla Finance Fair launch.
Fair Launch Link On Pink Sale:
What is the benefits of early investors in Fair Launch?
No buy tax (6%) if you buy in fair launch
Airdrop NFT contest for top fair launch buyers. Details:
NFT Airdrop For Fair Launch Contributors:
Top 10 Fair Launch Contributors: 1 Random NFT Immortal each person
Top 11-50 Fair Launch Contributors: 1 Random NFT Epic each person
Top 51-200 Fair Launch Contributors: 1 Random NFT Rare each person
Other contributors: 1 Random NFT Common each person (Min contribute 0.1 BNB for being eligible - Max 500 Common NFTs will be airdropped. If there are more eligible contributors than the total number of NFT airdropped, NFT Common will airdrop to random contributors who contributed more than 0.1 BNB)
Many projects with no hard cap dumped at listing, what AYZ Team will do to prevent this problem?
Listing on Pancakeswap will trigger our Bullrun Campaign which included:
Dextools, poocoin, other crypto related sites,... banner ads with insanely high budget.
Voice AMA tour with big communities.
Release AYZ Bank & Referral Program at the listing date tentatively.
Big contest for top buyers (more detail be revealed at Listing Date)
Snapshot Top Holders For NFT Airdrop
Twitter, Youtube, Influencers Marketing (they are ready to call after launch)
Tax and Slippage?
15% Buy Tax
20% Sell Tax
Is it launched?
We're getting ready for our Fair Launch on Pinksale.
1 – How does the Rebase work?
1’ – The Rebase operation allows tokens to work in a way that the circulating supply expands or contracts due to changes in token price. This increase or decrease in supply works with a mechanism called rebasing. Apyzilla uses a Positive Rebase formula which increases the $AYZ supply of each holder.
2 – How to Stake
2’ – The AYZ has created an innovative AutoStaking token that provides users a simpler way to receive staking rewards. Simply hold $AYZ in your wallet and you will automatically receive staking rewards.
3 - How do I get my Rebase rewards?
3’ – The Rebase rewards, in simple terms, are the staking rewards. You are entitled to receive Rebase Rewards just by holding $AYZ in your wallet.
4 – Where can I buy $AYZ tokens?
4’ – The $AYZ token is available on PancakeSwap. (but wait for our presale on pinksale finish first)
Is it listed on CG/CMC?
CMC - After Listing on PCS CG - After Listing on PCS
Last updated